The STORM Lab has been selected to participate in the KUKA Innovation Award 2019 as one of five finalists. This award brings focus to “Healthy Living” using robotics, in this case using the LBR iiwa medical grade robot supplied by KUKA. For this award we will be further developing our magnetic capsule endoscope for painless […]
EuroScience Open Forum 2018
We recently travelled to Toulouse, France to exhibit our work on Magnetic colonoscopy as part of the Sonopill project. We were representing UK Research and Innovation, EPSRC and the STORM Lab (University of Leeds) at the week long ESOF 2018 event. Read the University of Leeds press release. ESOF (EuroScience Open Forum) is the largest interdisciplinary […]
Lavinia Barducci at the Hamlyn Symposium 2018
Congratulations to Lavinia Barducci for her participation to the Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics 2018, held at the Royal Geographical Society in London, 24-27 June. Lavinia presented her work on magnetic capsule levitation, investigated during her Master Thesis in visit at the StormLab UK, with the collaboration of PERCRO (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy). The […]
StormLab visits project partners in Tianjin
At the end of March, Professor Pietro Valdastri (director of StormLab), Dr Zhiqiang Zhang (University Academic Fellow), and Dr James Chandler (StormLab Research Fellow) travelled to Tianjin on the northern coast of China to meet with project partners from Tianjin University. The trip facilitated meetings with academic and clinical partners working under the “Ultra-low-cost endoscopy […]
Stormlab UK @ Wired Health Italy
15 March 2018. Prof. Valdastri, director of the StormLab, is an invited speaker at Wired Health – Innovazione per la vita (Innovation for Life), the first business conference on healthcare technology hosted by Wired Italy. Wired Health is a one day event focused on technological aspects of healthcare and well-being, as well as new lifestyles and […]
Best Student Paper Award at the International Symposium on Medical Robotics 2018
2 March 2018. We have been awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the International Symposium on Medical Robotics 2018 for the work “A Disposable Continuum Endoscope Using Piston-driven Parallel Bellow Actuator” by N. Garbin, L. Wang, J. Chandler, K. L. Obstein, N. Simaan, P. Valdastri. The paper describes a ultra-low-cost solution for gastric cancer screening […]
Seminar at the University of Toronto
16 February 2018. Pietro Valdastri was invited to give the talk “Lifesaving Capsule Robots” at the University of Toronto, within the Distinguished Seminar Series of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. During the visit, Pietro had a chance to visit several great research labs, including Jim Drake’s Lab at SickKids Hospital (picture below) and […]
Science for a Successful Nation
On the 21st of February, we were invited by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to showcase our pioneering work on magnetic guided capsule robots, alongside other Sonopill team members, at the historic Royal Society in central London. The aim of the event, entitled “Science for a Successful Nation,” was to demonstrate the importance […]
The daVinci Research Kit has arrived at the Storm Lab UK
The Storm Lab is happy to announce that a brand new DaVinci® Research Kit has arrived. The daVinci® Research Kit [1], a.k.a. dVRK, is an advanced control system, produced by Medical Motion Corporation, a spinoff of the Worchester Polytechnic Institute, Massachussetts, USA. This system allows to directly control the motion of the Intuitive Surgical daVinci® […]
Santa Claus has come to STORM Lab: The new KUKA LBR Med has arrived
Santa Claus has arrived a bit earlier than usual this year at the STORM Lab! Today STORM LAb has received a brand new KUKA LBR Med. This unique lightweight robot, produced by the german company KUKA AG (, is the medically approved version of the well-known LBR collaborative robotic arm. This robot is the first […]